August 11, 2023
min read
Written by: 
Nikolaus Hilgenfeldt
Ecommerce Growth

8 Inventory Management Strategies To Improve Your Business (With Formulas and Examples)

How often have you heard that effective inventory management is crucial to running a successful business, regardless of size or industry?

You're in the right place if you need clarification with numerous pieces of advice and help knowing where to start and what to implement.

This comprehensive guide delves into various inventory management strategies that can transform your business and drive sustainable growth.

From understanding the importance of inventory control to implementing advanced technology solutions, we explore actionable techniques to help you improve your inventory management practices and ultimately enhance your bottom line.

Let's start!

Why Do You Need Inventory Management

Inventory control is pivotal in enhancing business profitability. Nonetheless, numerous small businesses struggle to handle their resources efficiently.

Certain businesses maintain inadequate inventory levels, leading to a loss of customers.

In contrast, others store excess items as a precaution, which can negatively impact cash flow.

Efficient inventory management aims to find a middle ground between these contrasting situations.

1. Prioritize Your Inventory Control Techniques

First, let’s go over some inventory control techniques essential to balance stock levels and customer demand.

1. First-In-First-Out (FIFO)

FIFO is a method of inventory control where the first items you receive or produce are the first you need to sell.


To illustrate, if you produce 1,000 items in the first week of a month and another 1,000 in the second week, the earlier batch is sold before the later one.

This inventory management strategy is excellent if you have perishable goods to prevent stock obsolescence.

2. Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)

LIFO is the opposite of FIFO, where the last items you receive or produce are the first you need to sell.


It is typically used when inventory costs rise, as it helps reduce taxable income by valuing inventory at the latest, higher prices.

3. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

EOQ calculates the optimal order quantity to minimize total inventory costs.

Let's consider a scenario involving a bakery producing a famous pastry.

The bakery sells 2,000 pastries annually. Storing a single pastry in inventory costs the bakery $3 per year, and the fixed cost of placing an order is $1.

Applying the EOQ formula, which is the square root of (2 x 2,000 pastries x $1 order cost) / ($3 holding cost), the result is approximately 31.6 after rounding.

Therefore, the most cost-effective order quantity that balances expenses and meets customer demand is slightly more than 31 pastries.


4. Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory

JIT is a strategy where inventory is ordered and received just in time to meet customer demand.

Toyota is a prominent illustration of enterprises employing the Just-In-Time (JIT) approach.

In this method, when a customer makes an order, Toyota only acquires raw materials when it is ready to start production of its vehicles.

This approach significantly lowers the costs associated with holding excessive inventory.


5. ABC Analysis

ABC analysis categorizes inventory items based on their value and importance to the business.

"A" items are high-value, high-priority items, "B" items are moderate, and "C" items are low-value, low-priority items.


Let's consider a grocery store implementing ABC analysis.

They categorize their products based on their importance and value to the business.

🥓 In Category A, the store might place high-demand, high-value items like fresh produce and premium meats. 

While these items represent a smaller inventory, they are crucial to customer satisfaction and overall revenue.

🥫 Category B could encompass everyday staples like canned goods, pasta, and basic household items.

These products are important and have moderate value, but they don't carry the same weight as Category A items.

🍬 Moving to Category C, we have items like snacks, disposable tableware, and seasonal decorations.

These lower-value products contribute to a significant portion of the inventory but hold less importance in the overall store performance.

To understand the impact of this categorization, consider this: if a specific brand of chips (a Category C item) is temporarily out of stock, it's unlikely to affect the store's reputation significantly.

The store can easily reorder more chips. However, if the premium meats (a Category A item) are consistently unavailable, it could damage the store's reputation and require more complex adjustments to inventory management.

💡 This example highlights how ABC analysis helps businesses allocate resources and attention appropriately based on the significance and value of different inventory items.

2. Embrace Technology for Streamlined Inventory Management

Technology is crucial in optimizing inventory management processes in today's digital age.

Here are a few inventory management strategies to automate your everyday operations.

1. Inventory Management Software

Managing inventory might be feasible for tiny enterprises using spreadsheets and manual records.

However, as your business expands, there's a potential for dedicating too much time to inventory management, diverting your focus from core operations.

Efficient inventory management software simplifies these tasks. When selecting a solution, ensure a clear grasp of your requirements and opt for a product that offers user-friendly functionality alongside essential analytical capabilities.


2. RFID and Barcode Technology

RFID and barcode technology revolutionize inventory management by automating data capture and reducing manual errors.

These technologies use RFID tags and barcodes on inventory items and storage locations, allowing seamless tracking and identification.


3. Demand Forecasting and Inventory Planning

Demand forecasting is crucial to effective inventory management.

You can predict future demand more accurately by analyzing historical sales data, market trends, and customer behavior.

This proactive approach can help you to effectively plan inventory levels, production schedules, and supply chain activities.

There are different inventory planning methods you can implement, such as:

  • Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  • Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)
  • Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)

4. Optimize Inventory Levels: Safety Stock and Reorder Point

Safety stock is a critical component of inventory management that acts as a buffer against uncertainties in demand and supply.

It represents the extra inventory that exceeds the expected demand during lead times, unforeseen customer orders, or supplier delivery fluctuations.


Imagine managing a business where you typically sell 150 product units each day.

This product has an average lead time of 7 days.

Drawing from your past insights, you've determined that maintaining a 3-day supply is a sufficient buffer against potential supply and demand uncertainties.

As a result, your safety stock calculation is straightforward: 150 units × 3 days = 450 units.

Calculating Reorder Point

The reorder point is the inventory level at which a new order should be placed to replenish stock before it depletes to a critical level.

It ensures inventory is replenished in time to avoid stockouts and maintain a seamless flow of goods to customers.

Calculating the reorder point involves considering several factors, including:

  • Lead Time: The time it takes from placing an order to receiving the inventory, including order processing, transportation, and inspection.
  • Demand Rate: The average rate at which inventory is consumed or sold during the lead time.
  • Safety Stock: The additional inventory held to account for demand and lead time variability.

Imagine you run a bakery that sells freshly baked bread.

On average, you sell 50 loaves of bread per day.

Your supplier requires a lead time of 3 days to deliver a new batch of bread after you place an order.

To ensure you don't run out of bread and face stockouts, you decide to set a safety stock level of 20 loaves.

Reorder Point = (50 loaves/day × 3 days) + 20 loaves Reorder Point = 150 loaves + 20 loaves Reorder Point = 170 loaves

So, when your bread inventory reaches 170 loaves, it's time to place a new order with your supplier.

As a result, when your order is delivered in 3 days, you'll have enough bread to continue meeting customer demand and avoid stockouts.

5. Use Inventory Metrics and Performance Measurement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential metrics used to measure the performance of inventory management processes and evaluate the efficiency of inventory control strategies.

1. Inventory Turnover Rate

Inventory turnover rate is a critical KPI that measures how quickly you sell inventory and replenish it.

        Inventory Turnover Rate = Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) / Average Inventory

A high inventory turnover rate indicates that inventory is efficiently managed and products are selling quickly, which is generally favorable.

However, a very high turnover rate may suggest frequent stockouts and potential missed sales opportunities.

On the other hand, a low turnover rate may imply excess inventory and holding costs.

2. Stockout Rate

Stockout rate is the percentage of time you experience stockouts or run out of stock on specific items.

        Stockout Rate = (Number of Stockouts / Total Number of Orders) x 100

A high stockout rate indicates that you are frequently unable to fulfill customer orders promptly, leading to dissatisfied customers and potential revenue losses.

So, to reduce the stockout rate, you need better demand forecasting, improved inventory planning, and efficient order fulfillment processes.

3. Fill Rate

Fill rate is the percentage of customer orders fulfilled completely from available stock without backorders or substitutions.

    Fill Rate = (Number of Orders Fulfilled Completely / Total Number of Orders) x 100

A high fill rate indicates that you consistently meet customer demand and deliver orders in full, thus, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

6. Leverage Lean Inventory Management: Reducing Waste and Costs

Lean inventory management revolves around reducing waste and eliminating inefficiencies in inventory processes.

Adopting lean methodologies can minimize excess inventory, reduce carrying costs, and optimize supply chain operations.


Techniques like Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory, Kanban systems, and Kaizen (continuous improvement) contribute to lean inventory practices.


Whatsmore, the benefits of lean inventory management include reduced inventory holding costs, improved cash flow, and enhanced customer satisfaction through faster order fulfillment.

7. Use Strategies for Seasonal Inventory Management

Seasonal demand poses unique challenges for inventory management, as you must meet fluctuating customer demand while avoiding excess inventory during off-peak periods.

Effective seasonal inventory management strategies can help you optimize inventory levels and capitalize on seasonal sales opportunities.

Some key inventory management strategies for meeting seasonal demand include:

✔️ Analyze historical sales data from previous seasons to forecast demand patterns and identify the products with the highest seasonal demand.

✔️ Collaborate closely with suppliers and logistics partners to ensure timely deliveries during peak seasons.

✔️ Adopt JIT inventory principles to reduce excess inventory during slow seasons and prevents stockouts during peak demand.

✔️ Create seasonal product bundles or gift sets to boost sales and clear excess inventory of slower-moving items.

✔️ Offer promotions or discounts on seasonal products to encourage early sales and manage inventory levels. Time-limited promotions can create a sense of urgency among customers, leading to higher sales volumes.

8. Reduce Environmental Impact through Efficient Inventory Management

Sustainable inventory management practices are essential for businesses looking to minimize their environmental impact and contribute to a greener future.

Efficient inventory management strategies can significantly reduce waste, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.

For example, you can try the following:

  • Align inventory levels with customer demand to prevent excess production and resource consumption.
  • Implement lean inventory principles to minimize excess inventory and waste in the supply chain.
  • Utilize advanced inventory optimization techniques and software to streamline inventory levels while meeting customer demand. This optimization reduces the need for excessive production and minimizes unnecessary transportation, contributing to sustainability goals.
  • Implement efficient reverse logistics processes for product returns, recycling, or refurbishment to reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of end-of-life products.
  • Engage suppliers in sustainable practices and encourage eco-friendly supply chain initiatives for more environmentally responsible sourcing and procurement decisions.

1. Try Out Eco-Friendly Packaging and Materials

One area where you can significantly impact sustainability is through eco-friendly packaging and materials:

  • Using biodegradable or compostable packaging materials made from renewable resources helps reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste. These materials break down naturally, contributing to a circular economy.
  • Opting for minimalist packaging designs that use less material and are easily recyclable can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of products.
  • Incorporating recycled content into packaging reduces the need for virgin resources and promotes a circular economy.
  • Implementing reusable packaging options, such as returnable or refillable, helps reduce single-use packaging waste.
  • Ensuring that packaging is designed for efficient use of space during transportation and storage can reduce the number of shipments and lower the overall environmental impact of logistics.


Effective inventory management is integral to any successful business, driving operational efficiency, cost optimization, and customer satisfaction.

Still, the pursuit of inventory management excellence is a continuous journey.

Embracing innovation, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making allows you to navigate the complexities of inventory management, unlock new growth opportunities, and build a resilient and prosperous future.

How Can Myos Help Your Business?

Elevating your business to new heights becomes achievable through a strategic partnership with Myos for inventory financing.

Myos offers the potential to manage surging product demand while nurturing enduring customer connections.

By joining forces with Myos, you unlock essential resources that empower you to handle inventory, ensuring seamless customer order fulfillment and a competitive market advantage efficiently.

Benefiting from an added working capital of up to £2,500,000, you can:

  • Confidently embrace and satisfy increased orders, effectively accommodating growing customer requirements.
  • Innovate and introduce novel products, broadening your range and tapping into fresh market prospects.
  • Cover expenses tied to shipping and logistics, guaranteeing the smooth operation of your supply chain.
  • Allocate resources towards impactful marketing endeavors, propelling sales, boosting brand visibility, and augmenting profitability.
  • Revamp or expand your warehousing facilities to optimize storage capabilities and meet escalating inventory demands.
  • Introduce new team members to bolster your workforce, elevating operational efficiency and enhancing customer service.

Should you wish to explore how Myos can propel your business forward, seize the opportunity to sign up and receive a free, non-binding offer today!

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