September 1, 2023
min read
Written by: 
Nikolaus Hilgenfeldt

Revenue-based Financing vs Venture Debt - What’s the Difference?

Entrepreneurs often encounter a maze of options to fuel their growth in the ever-evolving landscape of startup financing.

Two standout choices in this realm are Revenue-based Financing (RBF) and Venture Debt. Both provide vital capital injections, but they operate through distinct mechanisms.

In this exploration, we'll untangle the core distinctions between Revenue-based Financing and Venture Debt, shedding light on how each can steer a company's path to success.

We’ll provide some practical examples and a table of their key differences.

Ready for a revenue-based financing vs venture debt deep dive?

Let’s go!

What is a Revenue-based Financing?

Have you ever heard of Revenue-based Financing (RBF)? It's a funding model where a company gets cash from an investor or lender, and in return, they share a piece of their future revenues.

Unlike regular loans where you're stuck with fixed monthly payments, RBF lets you pay back the investor a set percentage of your monthly or quarterly revenue.

You keep doing this until you hit an agreed-upon repayment cap.

What's nifty about it is that the repayment amount stays fixed as a percentage of your revenue.

So, when times are good, and you're rolling in dough, you pay more. And during those lean months, you pay less.

This RBF thing is popular with startups and small businesses starting out. It's like a fresh twist on financing because it gives them the freedom they need without giving up a chunk of their company or being stuck with rigid loan terms.

Plus, it's a win-win because the investor's return is tied to the company's performance.

Pros and Cons of Revenue-based Financing

RBF Pros for Entrepreneurs

Flexible Repayment — RBF offers flexibility in repayment because the amount repaid is tied to a percentage of revenue. During slow periods, businesses repay less, reducing financial pressure.

No Equity Dilution — Unlike equity financing, RBF doesn't require giving up ownership stakes in the company. Entrepreneurs maintain full control of their business.

Access to Capital — RBF is accessible to startups and small businesses that might not qualify for traditional loans due to limited credit history or collateral.

Alignment of Interests — Investors' returns are directly linked to the company's performance, aligning their interests with those of the entrepreneurs.

RBF Cons for Entrepreneurs

🚫 Higher Overall Cost — RBF can be more expensive in the long run compared to traditional loans because businesses repay a percentage of their revenue, which can add up to a substantial amount.

🚫 Loss of Revenue Share — Entrepreneurs must share a portion of their revenue with the RBF investor for a set period, potentially limiting their ability to reinvest profits.

🚫 Limited Capital — RBF may not provide as much capital as equity financing, making it less suitable for businesses with high growth potential that require significant funding.

🚫 Complex Terms — RBF agreements can have complex terms and conditions, which entrepreneurs need to fully understand before entering into such arrangements.

RBF Pros for Investors

Potential for High Returns — Investors can earn a substantial return on their investment if the company performs well, as they receive a percentage of revenue.

Diversification — RBF investments can diversify an investor's portfolio, as they are not tied to the success of a single company.

Alignment of Interests — Investors' returns are directly tied to the company's revenue, aligning their interests with the entrepreneurs.

Lower Risk than Equity — RBF investors have a lower risk of losing their entire investment than equity investors if the company fails.

RBF Cons for Investors

🚫 Limited Control — Investors have limited control over the company's operations because they do not own equity, which means they cannot make strategic decisions.

🚫 Risk of Default — If the company struggles or fails to generate revenue, investors may not fully recoup their investment, and there is a risk of default.

🚫 Variable Returns — Returns can be inconsistent and subject to the company's revenue performance, making it challenging to predict the exact return on investment.

🚫 Longer Payback Period — RBF investments may have longer payback periods compared to traditional loans, as repayment is contingent on revenue generation.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue revenue-based financing or invest through this model depends on the specific needs and circumstances of both entrepreneurs and investors, as well as their risk tolerance and growth objectives.

Revenue-based Financing Example

Here's an example of how TechCo and InvestorX are teaming up through Revenue-based Financing (RBF):

TechCo, a snazzy software startup, is gearing up for some expansion, and they need capital to make it happen.

On the other side of the coin, we've got InvestorX, who's itching to pump some funds into TechCo through RBF, a pretty neat financing scheme.

The Deal in Numbers

  • InvestorX throws $100,000 into the TechCo pot.
  • In return, TechCo agrees to kick back 5% of its monthly gross revenue to InvestorX.
  • There's a repayment cap on this RBF deal, set at 1.5 times the initial investment. In simple terms, TechCo will repay a total of $150,000 (that's 1.5 times the $100,000 InvestorX put in).
  • The terms of this agreement? TechCo will keep making those monthly payments to InvestorX until they hit that $150,000 repayment cap.

How the RBF Unfolds

🗓️ Month 1: TechCo rakes in $20,000 in revenue. They promptly send 5% of that, which is $1,000, to InvestorX.

🗓️ Month 2: TechCo's revenue steps up a notch to $25,000. InvestorX gets 5% of that, or $1,250.

This groove continues for a bunch of months, with TechCo making payments based on its monthly revenue until they've settled the full $150,000.

🗓️ Fast forward to Month 30: TechCo's revenue has zoomed to $40,000. They pay 5%, which is $2,000, to InvestorX.

Since TechCo's total payments have now reached $150,000, they've hit the finish line, and the RBF agreement is officially wrapped up.

Pros and Cons in This Scenario

Pros for TechCo — TechCo benefits from flexible repayments linked to its revenue, avoids equity dilution, and gains access to capital for growth.

Pros for InvestorX — InvestorX has the potential for a solid return on investment, alignment of interests with TechCo, and lower risk compared to equity investors.

🚫 Cons for TechCo — TechCo shares a portion of its revenue and repays more during profitable months, potentially leading to a higher overall cost.

🚫 Cons for InvestorX — InvestorX has limited control over TechCo's operations and faces the risk of lower returns if TechCo's revenue is inconsistent or if the company struggles.

This example illustrates how RBF allows a company to obtain financing without giving up equity while providing investors with a revenue-based return on their investment.

The repayment amount is directly tied to the company's performance, making it a flexible funding option for startups and small businesses.

What is a Venture Debt?

Venture debt is like a financial Swiss army knife specially designed for startups and high-growth companies.

Instead of giving away chunks of your company through equity financing, venture debt swoops in to provide a clever way to get more capital.

Picture it as loans or lines of credit, but with terms that totally match where your company is at in terms of growth and finances.

However, the interest rates might be a tad higher than what you'd get from a regular bank loan, but here's the highlight: you get to use it in super flexible ways.

Whether you're cooking up a new product, eyeing a significant expansion, or just need some extra runway until your next equity funding round, venture debt can be your sidekick on this entrepreneurship journey.

Plus, you don't have to give up any ownership. It's a win-win!

Pros and Cons of Venture Debt

Venture Debt Pros

Preservation of Equity — One of the most significant benefits of venture debt is that it allows startups to raise additional capital without giving up ownership shares. This means founders and existing shareholders maintain more control and ownership of the company.

Extended Runway — Venture debt can extend a company's financial runway, providing essential working capital to fund operations, hire talent, and execute growth strategies between equity financing rounds.

Flexible Use of Funds — Startups can use venture debt for various purposes, such as product development, marketing, scaling operations, or other growth initiatives, providing versatility in how they deploy the capital.

Complements Equity Financing — Venture debt complements equity financing, providing a balanced capital structure that combines equity investments for long-term growth with debt financing for short-term working capital needs.

Venture Debt Cons

🚫 Interest Costs — Venture debt often comes with higher interest rates than traditional loans, which can increase the overall cost of capital for startups. This cost can be significant, especially if the company doesn't perform as expected.

🚫 Repayment Obligations — Unlike equity financing, venture debt requires regular repayments of principal and interest, which can create additional financial pressure, especially if the company faces challenges or has irregular cash flow.

🚫 Risk of Default — If a startup cannot meet its repayment obligations, it may face default, potentially leading to collateral loss or other unfavorable consequences, depending on the loan terms.

🚫 Potential Equity Dilution — Some venture debt agreements may include equity warrants or options, which, if exercised, can dilute the company's ownership over time. Startups should carefully consider the terms related to equity participation.

🚫 Qualification Requirements — While venture debt is more flexible than traditional loans, startups still need to meet certain criteria to qualify, and lenders may require collateral or other forms of security.

Venture Debt Example

Let's dive into the potential scenario of Tech Innovators, a tech startup that recently secured $2 million in equity funding from venture capitalists.

They have big plans to craft and launch a snazzy new software product.

But hold on, there's a twist in the tale!

Tech Innovators knows they need some extra cash to fuel their marketing, sales, and product refinement efforts while they hustle toward profitability.

But here's the kicker: they don't want to give away more slices of their startup pie in exchange for equity capital.

Let’s see how venture debt works out for them.

Venture Debt: The Nuts and Bolts

  • Loan Amount — A company called VentureCredit steps in, offering Tech Innovators a venture debt loan of $500,000.
  • Interest Rate — Now, this loan comes with an annual interest rate of 10%.
  • Term — This loan has a three-year term, during which Tech Innovators will be cutting regular monthly interest payments.
  • Warrants — Here's an interesting bit: VentureCredit gets something called "warrants," which are kind of like tickets to a future stock show. They're worth 5% of Tech Innovators' fully diluted equity, giving VentureCredit the option to buy shares of Tech Innovators' stock at a set price down the road.

The Venture Debt Adventure

📊 Step 1 — Tech Innovators pockets that $500,000 loan from VentureCredit, and they're ready to rock. They use this cash to fire up marketing campaigns, hire more sales champs, and give their software product some extra shine.

📊 Step 2 — Over the next three years, Tech Innovators makes these monthly interest payments on the loan. They're like rent for the money they borrowed, and it's set at a 10% annual interest rate.

📊 Step 3 — As the three-year term wraps up, Tech Innovators has some choices to make. They can either pay back the full $500,000 principal amount or have a chat with VentureCredit about extending or refinancing the deal.

📊 Step 4 — While all this is happening, VentureCredit is hanging on to those warrants. If Tech Innovators knocks it out of the park and their stock price skyrockets, VentureCredit might just cash in those warrants to get a slice of the company's equity pie.

And that, folks, is the tale of how Tech Innovators used venture debt to keep their growth engine roaring without giving away more ownership. 

Quite the entrepreneurial plot twist, wouldn't you say?

Pros and Cons in This Scenario

Pros for Tech Innovators — Tech Innovators benefit from additional capital to support growth initiatives without diluting equity ownership. They also can repay the debt or extend the term based on their financial performance.

Pros for VentureCredit — VentureCredit earns interest income on the loan. If Tech Innovators succeeds and the stock price rises, they may benefit from the warrants by acquiring equity at a favorable price.

🚫 Cons for Tech Innovators — Tech Innovators incurs interest costs, and there is the potential for equity dilution if VentureCredit exercises the warrants.

🚫 Cons for VentureCredit — VentureCredit assumes the risk that Tech Innovators may not repay the loan in full, and the warrants may not yield any value if Tech Innovators' stock price doesn't increase significantly.

This example demonstrates how venture debt can provide Tech Innovators with the necessary working capital while offering VentureCredit an opportunity for both interest income and potential equity upside.

The terms of the venture debt agreement are designed to balance the interests and risks of both parties.

Revenue-based Financing vs Venture Debt — Key Differences 

Having delved into the practical workings and fundamental definitions of both revenue-based financing and venture debt, it's only fitting that we offer a comprehensive overview of the key distinctions, wouldn't you agree?

Below, we've outlined various aspects of these two financing options, highlighting their pivotal differences to facilitate a clearer understanding and comparison.



We trust that this article has provided you with a deeper understanding of how revenue-based financing and venture debt operate.

If you're pondering your next steps, we recommend beginning with well-established and dependable solutions that can form a robust foundation for sustained business growth.

An excellent illustration of such a company is Myos.

Brief Myos Introduction


Myos represents an asset-based company renowned for its bespoke solutions that empower sellers to reach and surpass their business objectives.

Our services encompass a loan portfolio spanning from £100,000 to £2,500,000, meticulously crafted to align with the distinct and evolving borrowing requirements of our clients.

What truly sets Myos apart is our pioneering use of AI-driven insights.

This advanced technology forms the bedrock of our operations, enabling us to offer data analysis that is not only valuable but also unrivaled in its depth and precision.

We believe this combination of tailored financial solutions and cutting-edge technology positions us as the ideal partner for your business's financial growth and success.

Benefits of Doing Business With Myos

👉 Inclusive Accessibility — Myos welcomes businesses of all sizes, even as young as 2 months old, with no minimum monthly turnover requirement.

👉 Risk-Free Financing — With Myos, your business can secure a loan without putting your personal assets or guarantees at risk.

👉 Strategic Funding Period — You'll have a focused window of 24 months to develop and execute your strategic plan with our funding program.

👉 Effortless Application Process: You can expect a streamlined experience that guarantees funding within 72 hours.

👉 Early Repayment Flexibility — Myos eliminates penalties for early repayment and only charges a monthly fee based on the remaining capital, avoiding fixed or lump-sum payments.

👉 Tailored Payment Structure — Product score determines fee, and early repayment reduces payment. A flexible structure manages funding, no extra costs for early settlement.

Here is an example of Myos’s financing process:


Furthermore, if you wish to explore further, we offer the convenience of our complimentary funding calculator.

This tool enables you to obtain a rough estimate of the associated costs of your loan, providing transparency and clarity in your financial planning.

What Do You Need To Get Started With Myos?

To qualify for our funding, you must meet the following requirements:

🏁 Registered Office — Your company must have a registered office in Germany, Austria, Cyprus, or the United Kingdom (UK). Additionally, it should not be categorized as a shell or shelf company.

🏁 Minimum Business Duration — Your company should have a minimum operational history of at least 6 months.

🏁 Ecommerce Presence — Your products must exhibit a sales track record in e-commerce for a minimum of 50 days on platforms such as Amazon, eBay, online stores, or similar channels.

If your business fulfills these eligibility criteria, do not hesitate to explore the available opportunities.

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